AdComp , one of my fav programmers, who made adesk-menu, adeskbar and madbox has disappeared from the internet radar; his site is down.
Lets hope this will be only a temporarily loss.
adeskmenu: info: install instructions:
after download extract and put it as root in /usr/bin/
make it executable: sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/adesk-menu
Edit with leafpad /home/user/.config/openbox/
add this line: adesk-menu &
Restart openbox or reboot and it will show up on the right in your taskbar.
In this scenario you also have to put the two png files in the same folder; if you don't like that , you can put it in a folder adesk-menu with the two images in it in usr/share and make a symbolic link to usr/bin: ln -s /usr/share/adesk-menu/adesk-menu /usr/bin/adesk-menu
I used it in tint before using
adeskbar, that is the finest, unobtrusive dock and menu you can think of. (versie4.2)
Versie 4.3 in deb: deb conversion: you have problems starting it:
Simply edit the first line of /usr/bin/adeskbar file