Friday, April 26, 2013

reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.

Getting warnings like:
Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf", line 14: reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.

Johns solution also worked for me:
I was able to resolve this issue by doing the following:

mkdir ~/.config/fontconfig 
mv ~/.fonts.conf ~/.config/fontconfig/ 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

BTsync file sharing or syncing without intermediates


See also:

Earlier this year BitTorrent started a closed Alpha test with a limited number of users, and today Sync is being released to the public for the first time.
“We’re really excited about opening up this Alpha. The feedback has been universally positive. Those in the closed Alpha have already synced more than 200TB since we started the program,” BitTorrent announces.
Over the past weeks many improvements have been made to the Sync application, prompted by user feedback. Among other things it is now possible to allow one-way synchronization and to exclude files or directories from being shared.
While Sync uses BitTorrent technology, people’s files are not accessible to outsiders. Only those who have the unique private key can access the shared folder.
“All the traffic is encrypted using a private key derived from the shared secret. Your files can be viewed and received only by the people with whom you share your private secret,” BitTorrent explains.
To increase security, the latest Sync version also has the option to let the secret key expire after a day so new devices can’t be added, even if outsiders have the private key.
BitTorrent stresses that Sync is still in Alpha development but tests carried out by TorrentFreak confirm that it works very well. It is an ideal tool for people who want to share large amounts of data between computers without going through third-party services.
The application is also surprisingly easy to configure. There’s no need to create an account and it only takes a few clicks to get going.

The Sync application is available for Windows, OSX, Linux and has the ability run on NAS devices through a web-interface. Readers who are interested in giving it a spin can head over to BitTorrent labs, where the Sync app can be downloaded:

User manual: manual

I log by  using the webbrowserto open the gui interface:

Instructions for using it in Linux:

See also:

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Forward journald to var/log in systemd journal.conf file

You can edit /etc/systemd/journald.conf to forward all messages to syslog.
Just remove the # before

Suggestion from Oliver

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