Thursday, June 16, 2016

how to connect to your tablet using mtp

This is clearly explained here.
First check this out: are following packages installed?
I had to install necessary packages need for file managers:
# pacman -S gvfs-mtp gvfs-gphoto2
Now start up your file manager with gvfs support for instance Thunar up to check if your Android device is mounted.

If you are not lucky, I will repeat what I have done to get it working;
Checked if my Asus memo tablet  was noticed:

Device 0 (VID=0b05 and PID=7773) is a Asus Fonepad 7 (FE375CXG).
and a lot of other lines. You also can use lsusb to check.

I choose to install jmtpfs via packer
$packer -S jmtpfs
Created a mtp folder in /home/paul/

In Openbox I created a new keybinding keybind key="W-m" in .config/openbox/rc.xml with this as command:
xterm -e "jmtpfs ~/mtp"
 So after creating that and restarting openbox with
$openbox --restart

I start up Thunar. I now see in /homepaul/mtp/ two folders  Internal Storage and SD Card and the files can be copied etc.

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