Monday, July 10, 2023

Don't add an exfat partition to fstab

 To give honor to the title of this blog I put an new media partition in fstab, but it wasn't an ntfs partition but an exat partition. An exfat can't take permissions of a folder or file level. The whole partition has to be loaded as user to be able to write on it.

So remove the partition  from fstab and do: systemctl daemon-reload

Now we  need the software to manage exfat.  That is not exfatprogs but exfat-utls. I had to remove the first, that came pre-installed, to rbe able to install exfat utils. Then make a mount pooint for the media partition:

sudo mkdir /media/exfats

Now make sure that the partition is not (auto)mounted and if so unmount it. Now you can do , only once necessary:

sudo mount -t exfat /dev/sda2 /media/exfats
Change sda2 to your needed configuration.


Thursday, July 6, 2023

Autologin problem? Editing sytemd configuration might help

 Got to /etc/systemd/system/

Mkdir getty@.service.d

Create file override.conf with following ocntent:


ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -i -J --nohostname --skip-login --login-options "-f <yourusername>" %I 38400 linux

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