Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to chroot In Arch

Open a terminal and enter root user via su or whichever method you are familiar with and do
as follows:

Run "fdisk -l" in this root term to determine which device the Archbang root partition actually is.

Make the mount point if it does not already exist via "mkdir /mnt/sdxx".
After mount point has been created
Mount this partition like so. "mount /dev/sdxx /mnt/sdxx".

Just an example:
mkdir /mnt/sda5
mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/sda5
that is, if the ArchBang root partition WAS /dev/sda5 as determined via output of fdisk -l shown earlier in post.

After ArchBang partition is mounted, copy resolv.conf to /etc of ArchBang partition via same root term:
"cp -vf /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/sdxx/etc"

Now chroot into the ArchBang partition.
"chroot /mnt/sdxx"

Run "pacman -Sy" and after repos are updated
run "pacman -S packagename_1 packagename_2 packagename_3 packname_etc"
to install all packages needed.
After packages have been installed, type "exit" to exit chroot.

Note that sdxx would be the actual partition device as found via fdisk -l,
and the commands are inside double quotes, do not use the double quotes on command line.

as explained by Kruppt on the Archbang forum

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