I'm hardly an expert and this may be all wrong but if anyone wants to try an xbps pkg based on the arch PKGBUILD it's at https://mega.co.nz/#!gotQTYgR!MFiQKwUYf … JmAbQAqWqo
You'll need to add it to a local repo
$ md5sum ttf-droid-20121017_1.noarch.xbps
c62981b46136953bf197464671793dfa ttf-droid-20121017_1.noarch.xbps
$ mkdir ~/localrepo
$ cp ttf-droid-20121017_1.noarch.xbps ~/localrepo
$ sudo xbps-rindex -a ~/localrepo/ttf-droid-20121017_1.noarch.xbps
$ sudo xbps-install -S --repository=~/localrepo ttf-droid
How to Create a Void Package: http://wiki.springlinux.org/index.php?title=Creating_A_Void_Package