Monday, May 10, 2010

how to install a deb package in Arch

First you will have to install dpkg
I read onthe arch forum that I can install a deb package with dpkg.
After installing dpkg and doing sudo dpkg -i filename.deb in this case:
sudo dpkg -i adeskbar.0.2.0-all.deb

If you get this error message:
dpkg: `update-rc.d' not found on PATH.
dpkg: 1 expected program(s) not found on PATH.
NB: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin.

Move your deb to tmp and

cp /bin/false /tmp
cd /tmp
ln -s false update-rc.d
export PATH=$PATH:/tmp

and do again:
sudo dpkg -i adeskbar.0.2.0-all.deb

Another option install:deb2targz:

Solution when you aren't able to create a symbolic link
pablokal : don't know what 's wrong .. but you could try this :
## remove if exist the old broken symbolic link
sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/adeskbar
## use your preferred editor and create textfile
sudo geany /usr/bin/adeskbar

copy/paste these lines :


cd /usr/share/adeskbar
./adeskbar @

and make it executable ..

sudo chmod a+x  /usr/bin/adeskbar

Thanks to ADcomp

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