STumbling In Linux Land, STupid and Unlucky Pablo? The tribulations and happy discoveries of a Linux former Newbie, now bit more experienced user
Sunday, January 30, 2011
How to create a custom search plugin for Arch Wiki and Forum
Or get the code directly from here.
Firefox Add on creator for Arch wiki and forum is found in that post.
Click on the OpenSearch plug-in ArchWiki button
And click on the OpenSearch plug-in ArchForum button to install.
After downloading it is put in ./.mozilla/firefox/XXX.default/searchplugins.
There you can customize it,if you want.
If you don't have this folder you only have the default search engines and you have to create it.
The best way to do that is by installing the Duckduckgo search engine (and use, it's excellent).
There is another way do sudo pacman -S arch-firefox-search
This is far more easy
Cairo Composite Window Manager
It also has a magnifier build in:
To start simply activate the plugin in the preferences :
and press simultaneously on
Friday, January 28, 2011
If a theme doesn't show up in lxappearance
If your desired theme doesn't show up in the latter, put it in /home/user/.themes and it will be found and can be activated. The smae with icons; create a folder .icons and install/put icons there.
After install Archbang 2011.1 Symbiosis -what is needed what is nice?
After an update of pacman I installed powerpill for quick updating. Then updated with pacman -Syyu.
Symbiosis comes with thunar. As I use single click for opening folders and this option wasn't kept in Thunar as a preference I installed pcmanfm.
In fact I prefer pcmanfm-mod but I also install the basic pcmanfm. The reason I use pcmanfm-mod is that all my other partitions are always shown and easily mounted. It is in AUR.
On the forum I read that packer in which you build pcmanfm-mod was missing fakeroot and patch as dependencies in the default Symbiosis; so installed that. To build pcmanfm-mod I also needed gcc (C compiler), pkg-config and make. You get all the needed build tools in once by doing sudo pacman -S base-devel
You can get all this with pacman -S base-devel .
(Another issue I had is the incompability of fam and gamin; gamin is newer and replaces fam and includes it; had to remove fam and thunar-vfs to be able to install gamin).
With packer I also installed adeskbar and my own self made openbox-madpablo-theme. I put Adeskbar on top in autohide and moved tint2 to the bottom.
Multimedia: vlc (a pity it pulls the qt deps) and minitube. (built with packer).
Create a symbloic link from my media on the ntfs drive to my home video folder
sudo ln -s /media/Backup/VIDEOS /home/paul/videos
Idem for music files.
For versatility: python 2, gksu.
Then I add my keybindings for manipulating windows to /home/user/.config/openbox/ rc.xml.
I installed Firefox, with Adblock plus, Evernote, Xmarks, DuckDuckGo as search engine plugin, dictionaries for spell checking and the most important addon text-area cache that backups everything I type in Firefox and proved a life saver on many occasions. This last add on would already be enough to keep using Firefox. But I drift away from my main topic.
Install libreoffice (pulls openjdk) and libreoffice-nl.
Manage groups, add group burning (groupadd burning) and user (gpasswd -a paul burning)
to it.
to be continued
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Creating a hidden Linux installation
You want a Linux install but you don't want to present them a grub menu, even with autoboot in Windows.
If they don't mind seeing and waiting for the grub menu to pass by:
Auto-boot in Windows with grub:
# By default, boot the first entry.
default 0
#sets the delay for mounting in secondstimeout
## hiddenmenu
# Hides the menu by default (press ESC to see the menu)
# Fallback to the second entry.
fallback 1
# (0)Windows XP
title Windows XP
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
# (1) Arch Linux
title ArchBang Linux
root (hd0,7)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda8 ro noresume
initrd /boot/kernel26.img
You can set the grub delay; with timeout you can influence how long the menu is shown in seconds.
Hiddenmenu the simple option to hide grub
but you overwrite the MBR, the master boot record (more on that below).
As you see you also have the option hiddenmenu that you activate by editing out the # before hiddenmenu (third line). You will have to time exactly when pressing the ESC key to reach your Linux installation, when Windows is the default boot.
You will see a notification that grub is loaded and that you have to press the escape key to load the menu.
By making the timeout very short (2-3 seconds) you can also make this almost hidden too. Or use grub with 0 sec timeout and hold shift when booting for getting the grub menu.
When we want to hide it altogether and leave the mbr untouched, we have to find another way to reach the grub menu. How to arrange that , I'll show below.
But I will already reveal how we are going to do that. We will use a CDROM with the supergrub disk on it.
Hermans dual boot page explains the functionality of the supergrub disk better than I can.
Note that partition sda8 is (hd0,7).
Note further that the first entry in the menu.l st is 0 zero and the second1, etc. When I declare 1 to default, it means that the second entry in the menulist will be the default system, that is loaded without intervention or making a choice with the up/down arrow keys. This order is not corresponding to the order of partitions or so. If you put a Linux or a window distro the first entry in the menu.lst is also of no relevance as long as a default number is mentioned in the menu.lst.
Preparing the Hard Disk
I will write about a XP install.
Don't use this method on win 7: there you need the native Win 7 partition tool to shrink D see this and this post .
The backup data on D can be easily stored on a external hard drive, if you haven't enough space left. So first make D as empty as you can, move files, delete obsolete ones. Remember you will need at least 20 % free space on D after you have made D smaller. After the big cleanup do the defragmentation of D.
So you defragmented your partitions; especially the partition you want to resize. I use the free tool Auslogics Defragment for this task (don't choose the right option Bootspeed; that you will have to pay).
You will need at least 10 gb hard disk space. Optimal double the size of your memory as swap partition and the rest for the Linux install.
I put the Linux install at the end of the second partition; often C is the system partition; D is the backup partition on which all files that should be recovered in case of system crash, E is often a smaller recovery partition.
I will put the new partition after D and before E. It is not wise to change size of C in case you have to use your recovery tool that is set to a specific size of C.
Also it is save to leave the recovery partition intact.
Partitioning with GParted using a live CD
Now we can partition. I always create the partitions with GParted before an install.
If the partition seems locked
Using a live CD, you will be have to aware that if there is already a Linux install on the hard drive the live CD may have started using the swap partition; because only unmounted partitions can be partitioned that may cause a locked extended partition. In that case right click on the swap partition and swap it off.
We have to create two partitions at least swap and the file system partition; some people prefer to have a separate home partition. But if you are short of hard disk space that isn't the fist choice.
Choose ext 3 or the newer ext4 or what you want as file system.
If you're unfamiliar with partitioning using gparted there are enough tutorials with screenshots around. It is fairly simple: first resize D by sliding the ruler back to the desired size creating new unallocated space. After that is created you can create the 1,5 or 2 GB swap space and the new 10 GB partition.
After we have created the two partitions we login in Windows XP. Windows will have some adapting to do, noticing that the partition D has been resized; partition tables are adapted automatically; probably you will get a notification: new devices discovered or installed. So now Windows is OK.
Now we are installing form the live CD; using Archbang this is a fairly simple process; note that you can cancel the partition process and that you will be asked to specify the partitions; first the mount point of the swap partition is asked; than the mount point of / , the filsystem. You will have to set root password, give a username and password.
Where to install GRUB, the bootloader?
Not in the mbr!!! At least without testing the grub setup.
The critical point is the installation of the bootloader: grub has become the standard. By default it will install itself in the mbr, the master boot record.
I prefer to install the bootloader in for example sda8, in the file system of the just installed Linux installation.
Note: sometimes the option of where to install the bootloader is hidden by an advanced button; always use the advanced option to set the custom place where you want it.
The great advantage is that if you decide to install more Linux installations next to each other, each grub bootload file is easily to be found linked to its typical install.
This always leaves all options open; to install another Linux distro and to remove it again; to install grub 2 on one partition next to grub legacy on another. I will prefer to install a distro with grub legacy first on a Linux-free hard drive, because the easy of adapting it and integrating later installations.
A complicated aspect of the present situation is that 2 versions of grub are used next to each other grub legacy 0.97 and grub2. Grub 2 has some advantages but I prefer to use grub legacy because of the easy configuration. Arch comes with grub legacy as default.
So now the install is finished and we haven't touched the mbr, the master boot record.
Tada, now comes the moment supreme for the SUPERGRUB DISK
We have burned the supergrub disk iso: download here
Supergrub makes all kind of wizardry tricks with grub possible.
If you want to login on your hidden partition, put the Supergrub disk in your CD-ROM drive. Ignore the language choice and go in the main orange screen to the option Linux manual. All the boot/grub/ directories in all partitions will be shown. In the scenario I described we only have one; we only have to select it and we're sent to the grub menu and login.
This is the most secure way of testing your grub configuration before touching the mbr.
How many people haven't got shaky when they had overwritten their mbr and booting the first time weren't able to boot in XP any more and also maybe not in the Linux partition. And then had to find out how to fix the mbr. The menu.lst file in /boot/grub (which I had installed in the new Linux partition sda8) is always easily edited using an text editor like leafpad or nano, working as root from a live CD.
The big pay-off is that after you test the grub file logging in in Windows and in the new Linux install and everything is indeed OK, you can with a confident mind overwrite the MBR. For insecure newcomers, making the first Linux install, mostly always a dual boot, this will be a secure and trusted path to walk.
The whole procedure, I mean booting with help of the Supergrub cdrom goes so fast and slick that this is a feasible alternative to installing grub in the mbr. In this way you will have a completely hidden Linux installation without touching the mbr!!
So with all the other benefits of this method, this post might have well been called:
How to overwrite your mbr in the full confidence that you will have a dual boot system after doing so
Some people still don't want to touch the master boot record.
A perfect solution uses the boot.ini file to make a dual boot with Wingrub that finds your grub menu for you. Again this is clearly described in a wonderful tutorial by Herman.
When it is safe and you want install grub in the mbr, to overwrite the MBR
But if you do want to overwrite the mbr and let grub do the booting for you, you just have to use the Supergrub disk again and select grub ==>mbr & !linux! (1) auto in the main page (option two is manual and makes choice for a specific, one out of more grub installs possible).
Some people are simple terrified about touching the mbr, but the mbr is easily fixed again with the wonderful supergrub disk. See option fixmbr.
Or select win ==> mbr &!Win! in the main page.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Learn Vim
I think it won't be my thing but it is nice to know the basics to be able to edit texts files one any pc.
These basics you learn in vimtutor and more, by doing not memorizing.
NOTE: Remember that you should be learning by doing, not memorization.
:q! quit vim withhout changing
:wq saving edited text, also ZZ
editing text -insert: i brings the insert mode; Esc to stop insert.
The letter position after the cursor highlighted letter is inserted
editing text append: Capital A moves the inserted text to end of line.
p put line below this line (moving lines)
ctrl+o opens new line below the present one: ctrl+O above.
stop editing text Esc
u undo last edit; U undo all editing on line
Ctrl+r redo command
moving cursor: h j k l cursor left down up right
motion: w- until the start of the next word, EXCLUDING its first character.
e - to the end of the current word, INCLUDING the last character.
$ - to the end of the line, INCLUDING the last character.
0 move to begin of the line
2w two words forward first letter
2e two words forward last letter
moving in text: Ctr+G is show on what line you are in text
G move to end of text; gg move to start of text;486G move to line 486
ctrl+o go back to last position
ctrl+i go forward again
ctrl+l moving cursor left while in insert mode
% find matching parenthesis
search forward: /searchword
search backwards: ?searchword
n search again; N search again other direction
delete letter: x cursor on letter is delete
delete word: dw delete word
delete line: dd
delete motions:
dw - until the start of the next word, EXCLUDING its first character.
de - to the end of the current word, INCLUDING the last character.
d$ - to the end of the line, INCLUDING the last character.
replace letter: rx to replace the character at the cursor with x: Capital R to replace more than one character, stopped by Esc.
replace word: ce deletes word and activates insert mode (ce- change till end word; remember motion operators)
replace line: c$
v visual mode being able to select text
y yank+copy text to buffer yw yank word
p paste selected text
:wwrite file
s one character; S rest of line
To substitute new for the first old in a line type :s/old/new
To substitute new for all 'old's on a line type :s/old/new/g
To substitute phrases between two line #'s type :#,#s/old/new/g
To substitute all occurrences in the file type :%s/old/new/g
To ask for confirmation each time add 'c' :%s/old/new/gc
" Auto-completing words
In insert mode, type the beginning characters of a word that has appeared in
the file before.
Ctrl-N " auto-complete with next match
Ctrl-P " auto-complete with prev match
Nice links, reference card and book:
Vim is a beautiful tool - Eric Wendelin's Blog
Gentoo Wiki Archives - Vim
Reference Card Another one both PDF's
Vim Tutorial Book by Molenaar
Managing groups
Suddenly had an issue with refused rights.
Had to add myself as user to the group dbus: sudo gpasswd -a paul dbus
Clear Arch-wiki section about managing groups:
List groups
Display group membership with the groups command:
$ groups [user]
If user is omitted, the current user's group names are displayed.
To list all groups on the system:
$ cat /etc/groupsource:
Manage group membership
Add users to a group with the gpasswd command:
# gpasswd -a [user] [group]
To remove users from a group:
# gpasswd -d [user] [group]
If the user is currently logged in, he/she must log out and in again for the change to have effect.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Mplayer-vdpau-svn error when updating
I had to recompile it. packer -S mplayer-vdpau-svn
Found the error doing:
ls -l /usr/lib/libx2*
So to update
packer -S
It will give as feedback reinstalling but build again.
When you don't manage to start X
Many questions on the Archbang forum are related to issues with video drivers and failing screen resolution. People get stuck at a terminal or have a crappy screen display. This post is related to Arch using Openbox window manager.
Don't despair. If you managed to get a good screen resolution when testing with the live CD, then it also must be possible to achieve this after install. To put it in another way: always test with a live CD if this configuration on this live CD is working for your hardware.
Important is to see that the problems most of the time have a few different sources.
Editing grub
To begin with the beginning: sometimes grub is set to vesa to make login possible.
Don't expect the system to use the best driver for you videocard in that case.
To edit the grub boot menu you can press the e key and edit the line that has vesa in it and comment that out or with the terminal #nano /boot/grub/grub.cfg and delete XORG-VESA & NOMODESET.
This is for grub2; in grub legacy, 0.97, you can edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst
Also delete here the vesa and nomodeset options.
In Nano you use Ctrl+ o to write something, then enter and ctrl+x to close nano.
Installing the necessary video driver
If you don't know what hardware video device you have:
lspci -vnn gives a list of your hardware devices, which gives valuable info on which what hardware we are dealing with.
lspci -k gives info on how the kernel drivers handle your hardware at the moment; this is of course very important info too.
Another important source of info is:
On issues with xorg the log file /var/log/Xorg.0.log is often given to help others give support. This gives valuable feedback.
If you can't get into a terminal, use a live CD.
If you want to install a new driver you have to work from your installation on your hard drive.
Most of the time Alt+Ctrl+F2 will give you another working terminal, if you didn't managed to start X and got stuck.
How to install a new videodriver
with a Nvidia video card: sudo pacman -S nvidia nvidia-utils
with the ATi card : sudo pacman -S xf86-video-ati
Intel: sudo pacman -S xf86-video-intel
See also
Now the third source of the problem or third kind of problem has to be checked or solved: your xorg.conf in /ect/X11/
With a normal effective install this won't be necessary, but accidents can happen
So nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; notice X11 is written with a capital X.
Before editing a xorg file always back it up!! Save it as xorg_old or xorg_default for instance.
Two kinds of problems are possible
1, the wrong driver is mentioned
2. the desired screen resolution(s) is (are) not given in xorg.conf
At problem 1: find vesa in the device section and replace it with nvidia or what your your videocard is called. Specify if possible the card type you are using.
My device section looks like this:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Device0"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
BoardName "GeForce GT 330"
Edit: due to conflicts between xorg-server 1.11 and nvidia driver it may be necessary or more useful to install the nouveau driver:
So nvidia card using open source driver:
#pacman -S xf86-video-nouveau
and in in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-gpudriver.conf
instead of nvidia: nouveau
Problem 2: Screen resolution
Normally a screen resolution has not to be identified in the screen section of the xorg file
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Device0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
DefaultDepth 24
Option "TwinView" "0"
Option "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
when the correct driver is working,
but sometimes it has to.
It could look like something like this:
Section "Monitor"
DisplaySize 344 193
HorizSync 30-40
Identifier "Monitor[0]"
ModelName "Unknown"
Option "DPMS"
Option "PreferredMode" "1366x768"
VendorName "Unknown"
VertRefresh 50-75
UseModes "Modes[0]"
BTW also font configuration issues can have a devastating effect on xorg and make X not working, crashing. See this post.
If you have finished working on your configuration you can reboot or do startx to start X.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Autocomplete or wordprediction in Linux
At you can find one.
Install script is in the download; make install file executable.
After the install go to Preferences, plugins, check the autocomplete plugin, select it and go to configure and add a wordlist (each lines, one word) to the open text pane.
For more elaborate snippet-like TextMate like code prediction, useful for programmers look at gmate-git.
Another option is (not tested)
Friday, January 7, 2011
roll back kernel version
Found this info on kernel panic:
Roll back to previous kernel version
If you keep your downloaded pacman packages, you now can easily roll back. If you didn't keep them, you have to find a way to get a previous kernel version on your system now.
Let's suppose you kept the previous versions. We will now install the last working one.
First you need to get the kernel details.
# cd /var/cache/pacman/pkg
# find kernel*
Now use the kernel details in the command below.
# pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/kernel26-2.6.23.xx-x.pkg.tar.gz
More info here:
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
AdComps adapted Oblogout script
The special feature is that the shutdown button is automatically selected and you don't have to focus it with your mouse; so you can close your system blind.
Code here ; save in texteditor, make executable and put in folder oblogout in usr/share and adapt shortcut in rc.xml
Put these images in folder img in folder oblogout:
with following names in order:
This last most left button means close oblogout, so is in fact a cancel button.
Create a symbolic link to /usr/bin:
[paul@archbang ~]$ sudo ln -s /usr/share/oblgout/oblogout /usr/bin/oblogout
Display Power management time setting Arch
, screenSetting up DPMS in X
Add the following to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf
in the Monitor
Option "DPMS" "true"
Add the following to the ServerLayout
section, change the times (in minutes) as necessary:
Option "StandbyTime" "10"
Option "SuspendTime" "20"
Option "OffTime" "30"
Option "BlankTime" "30"
Monday, January 3, 2011
image as wallpaper
Had lost it.
Found it back (195kb):
and by the way don't eat piggies, just cuddle them.
Blog Archive
- How to create a custom search plugin for Arch Wiki...
- Cairo Composite Window Manager
- If a theme doesn't show up in lxappearance
- After install Archbang 2011.1 Symbiosis -what is n...
- Creating a hidden Linux installation
- Learn Vim
- Managing groups
- Mplayer-vdpau-svn error when updating
- When you don't manage to start X
- Autocomplete or wordprediction in Linux
- roll back kernel version
- AdComps adapted Oblogout script
- Display Power management time setting Arch
- image as wallpaper