Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Using history in the terminal

When you are using Linux command line frequently, using the history effectively can be a major productivity boost. In fact, once you have mastered the 15 examples that I’ve provided here, you’ll find using command line more enjoyable and fun.

1. Display timestamp using HISTTIMEFORMAT

Typically when you type history from command line, it displays the command# and the command. For auditing purpose, it may be beneficial to display the timepstamp along with the command as shown below.

# export HISTTIMEFORMAT=’%F %T ‘
# history | more
1 2008-08-05 19:02:39 service network restart
2 2008-08-05 19:02:39 exit
3 2008-08-05 19:02:39 id
4 2008-08-05 19:02:39 cat /etc/redhat-release

2. Search the history using Control+R

I strongly believe, this may be your most frequently used feature of history. When you’ve already executed a very long command, you can simply search history using a keyword and re-execute the same command without having to type it fully. Press Control+R and type the keyword. In the following example, I searched for red, which displayed the previous command “cat /etc/redhat-release” in the history that contained the word red.

# [Press Ctrl+R from the command prompt,
which will display the reverse-i-search prompt]

(reverse-i-search)`red‘: cat /etc/redhat-release
[Note: Press enter when you see your command,
which will execute the command from the history]

# cat /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 9 (Sulphur)

Sometimes you want to edit a command from history before executing it. For e.g. you can search for httpd, which will display service httpd stop from the command history, select this command and change the stop to start and re-execute it again as shown below.

# [Press Ctrl+R from the command prompt,
which will display the reverse-i-search prompt]

(reverse-i-search)`httpd‘: service httpd stop
[Note: Press either left arrow or right arrow key when you see your
command, which will display the command for you to edit, before executing it]

# service httpd start

3. Repeat previous command quickly using 4 different methods

Sometime you may end up repeating the previous commands for various reasons. Following are the 4 different ways to repeat the last executed command.

  1. Use the up arrow to view the previous command and press enter to execute it.
  2. Type !! and press enter from the command line
  3. Type !-1 and press enter from the command line.
  4. Press Control+P will display the previous command, press enter to execute it

4. Execute a specific command from history

In the following example, If you want to repeat the command #4, you can do !4 as shown below.

# history | more
1 service network restart
2 exit
3 id
4 cat /etc/redhat-release

# !4
cat /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 9 (Sulphur)

5. Execute previous command that starts with a specific word

Type ! followed by the starting few letters of the command that you would like to re-execute. In the following example, typing !ps and enter, executed the previous command starting with ps, which is ‘ps aux | grep yp’.

# !ps
ps aux | grep yp
root 16947 0.0 0.1 36516 1264 ? Sl 13:10 0:00 ypbind
root 17503 0.0 0.0 4124 740 pts/0 S+ 19:19 0:00 grep yp

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